Coalition of Allied Vietnam War Veterans initiates a commemorative day dedicated to all United States Allies who served with U.S. forces during wars and conflicts thought our history.
In keeping with our mission to Serve, Fellowship, Support and Take Action we have asked the State of Minnesota to officially recognize a day dedicated to all our allies.
On February 22, 2019 such a bill was introduced in the Minnesota House of Representatives and sent to the Veteran and Military Affairs Finance and Policy Division. On March 14, 2019 HF 1774 that committee reported to adopt and re-referred to the Government Operations Committee. However that committee chose not to hear the bill. When the Government Operations Omnibus bill was introduced for passage on the House Floor weeks later, Representative Bob Dettmer re-introduced HF 1774 as an amendment and asked for a floor vote. The House of representatives pass the bill unanimously as an amendment, the Omnibus Bill was passed and the Day was codified into law. This marked the first day in United States History that a Day was established and dedicated to honor all allies who served with the United States military in defending freedom and democracy.