1980 SALT II abandoned President Reagan opposed the concessions of detente and the negotiations on SALT II were abandoned. The Reagan Administration talked about a winnable nuclear war, leading to the Strategic Defense Initiative and the Third World policy, funding freedom fighters in Central America, sub-Saharan Africa, Cambodia and Afghanistan. Scott Walker- United States
1980 Sihanouk organizes movement for reconstruction of Cambodia A major famine is avoided. Prince Sihanouk organizes his own movement of resistance. First reconstruction efforts: reintroduction of the currency, reopening of the faculty of medicine, re-establishment of the educational system. Appearance of anti-Vietnamese. Scott Walker- Cambodia
1980 SALT II abandoned President Reagan opposed the concessions of detente and the negotiations on SALT II were abandoned. The Reagan Administration talked about a winnable nuclear war, leading to the Strategic Defense Initiative and the Third World policy, funding freedom fighters in Central America, sub-Saharan Africa, Cambodia and Afghanistan.
A major famine is avoided. Prince Sihanouk organizes his own movement of resistance. First reconstruction efforts: reintroduction of the currency, reopening of the faculty of medicine, re-establishment of the educational system. Appearance of anti-Vietnamese. Cambodia
1981 International Conference on Cambodia begins End of food aid. The regime of Phnom Penh announces the creation of a new Marxist-Leninist party: the revolutionary party of the people of Kampuchea. elections. Only the ruling party can nominate candidates. The three resistance groups - Khmer Rouge, Sihanouk and Son Sann - form a coalition. The A.N.S.E.A. Supplies arms and money to non-communist resistance. In New York, international conference on Cambodia or represented only the resistance and its allies. Scott Walker- Cambodia
1981 - The pro-Vietnamese Kampuchean People's Revolutionary Party wins parliamentary elections. The international community refuses to recognise the new government.
1982 Border clashes between Thailand and Cambodia Combat at the Thailand-Cambodian border against the Khmer Rouge forces. Vietnam's first offensive against resistance. In June, the resistance officially formed a coalition government. First retrieval of Vietnamese troops. Pen Sovan, number 2 of the regime, is removed from power. Scott Walker- Cambodia
1983 Vietnamese refugee camp attacks Military climbing: Vietnamese attack refugee camps of resistance and pursue soldiers in Thai territory. In Vietnam, the first Indochinese summit since 1970 devoting Vietnamese domination to Laos and Cambodia. Vietnamese settlers settled in Cambodia. Their number does not exceed, according to Saigon, the number of the ancient Vietnamese community that existed in Cambodia. Scott Walker- Cambodia
1984 Thailand - Cambodia border clashes widens In July, the government of Phnom Penh admits that the Thailand-Cambodian border war has spread across the country and that the situation is "tense". Scott Walker- Cambodia
In July, the government of Phnom Penh admits that the Thailand-Cambodian border war has spread across the country and that the situation is "tense".