Fort Snelling National Cemetery, Special Operations Monument, All Airborne Circle 7601 34th St. Minneapolis, MN March to large event parade 9:30am
Memorial Day 2023 - Photo Memories
Honoring a Veteran
All attendees are asked to bring a 8 1/2" x 11' photo of a deceived veteran to honor a remember this Memorial Day. Flower bouquets and wreaths are welcome as well.
Additional Information please call:
Scott Walker | Special Projects Dir. of the CAVWV Ron Lachelts | President of Special Forces Assoc. Mpls Sotheary Duong | Khmer Veteran Representative Ananh Saenvilay | President of the Lao Airborne Veterans of MN Hoc Nguyễn | President of the ARVN Veterans Tong Nao Vang | President of the SGU Veterans & Families Roman Koatwall | Afghan Interpreter Representative Hoeun Hach | POW Representative